Sunday, February 28, 2010


D P Industries was founded by John Bower and his wife Pamela in 1994.

John graduated from D U in 1984 with a B A in Business Administration with an emphasis in finance.
He spent 10 years since graduating at the offices of Mia International, a Denver based international business concern, serving as bookkeeper and accountant and while at Mia International , he was involved in Project management in telecommunications with Communications Systems International , a Colorado Springs corporation and also in All Seasons Energy, a structural insulated panel manufacturer . John was consultant on many other projects, as well, during his tenure with Mia International.

In 1996 , John traded in his international business pursuits on teaching , receiving a teaching degree from Colorado Christian University , taught for a brief time, an then entered the business to business service industry, an operation he began in July of 1997.

Throughout his professional career Mr Bower has studied , researched and read many books related to his chosen field of finance. He pursued knowledge by pouring over massive amounts of information provided in journals and periodicals and more lately through research sources provided on the internet in order to remain current in the world of finance and in order to enable himself to remain informed concerning global growth trends, international and domestic economic trends and finance.

It was at the turn of the century that John began to notice some disturbing practices occurring
alongside of one another which had no precedent and which were not supported by sound economic standards.

1 Government interference in markets
2 Unbridled government spending
3 The banking industry's ( with Federal Reserve aid) continual loose credit policy and its propensity to enable (promulgate) short term but magnificent crisies to occur globally and domestically and then further increase loose credit policy to paper over the mistakes of the negligence that caused resulting mishaps in the first place. It (is) was a continual spiral .

It became apparent to John that government politicians and bankers were performing acts that were never before necessary and never intended for them to perform as a function of representative government or in banking as a function of facilitating commerce.
Something else was visible as well: that if these institutions continued these malpractices , that the government might cease to function as servant of the people( pretty obvious) and banks might cease to be able to serve depositors as originally intended.

Fast forward to the present and we discover that Mr Bower's fears are becoming well documented.

Deregulation of the banking industry which began in the 80's has led to the repeal of laws that were put in place to prevent bankers and investment banks and insurance companies from merging charters and also to prevent gambling in financial markets by large institutions. It has also allowed for interest rate policy to become a conduit for public policy objectives of government (either flavor) . While this has been happening , the bankers positioned themselves for profit and within their research departments and those of insurance companies, weapons of mass financial destruction were invented also known as derivatives (Warren Buffets Term).

They have led to the collapse of the banking system and the re- fortification thereof via bailouts and massive infusions of (taxpayer) cash to these bankrupt entities but no concessions have been greater than the concessions that the Fed has lately made to its favorite Banks (favored banker status) .

Never has so much damage been done to so many by so few. Why? Because the bankers lobbied the politicians to remove the legislative restraints / safe guards so the bankers could gamble their derivatives and in some circumstances put their competitors out of business.

Who did they hurt , the American family who both the government and the bankers are supposed to serve... the banker's primary responsibility is to provide liquidity to consumers and businesses to facilitate commerce ...the exchange of goods and services.

In the process of seeking increased profits and year end bonuses for their derivatives(casino operation) businesses , the bankers and investment bankers have sunk the real estate market and they have killed off commerce and the consumer by over juicing the economy with loose credit which brought about escalating debt. The result is the collapse we are all witness to; thank you Mr Magoo , I mean sir ALAN GREENSPANKY and Helicopter Ben Bernanke.

In order to maintain liquidity to prevent the wheels of the slowing economy from completely stopping , the Fed and Treasury have lent to bankers immeasurable quantities of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES (which also keeps the bank's balance sheets afloat aka smoke on the water).

Over a trillion dollars in Lending facility (provided by the Fed and or U S Treasury ) is on the books of banks but the banks are not lending because they are scared and possibly because they are stuck between a rock and a hard place . The U S economy is driven 70 % by the consumer . The banks are not lending to each other and they refuse to grant loans to the consumer. The American consumer depositor is locked out because the bankers SCREWED THE POOCH .

Liquidity is at the heart of the survival of many American families and individuals . Where this is the case and where the banks are unable to function as originally intended CASHFORGOLDEXCHANGE.NET may be for some time the only form of liquidity available to the American household and consumer.

This is the reason that Mr Bower launched CASHFORGOLDEXCHANGE.NET and it is why John believes that this avenue of finance is a vital component of recovery and foundation for the new beginning and the liquidity necessary to the American Family where the bankers and the government have failed us all.
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